About the Gallery

About the Gallery World famous painter Vincent Van Gogh said that paintings have a life of their own, born from the painter’s soul. The paintings reflect the artist's point of view, but also have an independent voice that speaks a unique message to each viewer. If you’re looking for an original, abstract painting and a special creative breath of modern art, you’ve come to the right place, because ArtVertigo, an online art gallery, is dedicated to selling and exhibiting contemporary abstract art. ArtVertigo’s mission is to exhibit contemporary art in order to decorate and give meaning to the spaces we live and work in, making them personal and interesting.

People have been drawn to artistic expression for millennia. Dating back about 32,000 years, the Chauvet cave paintings, in France, are some of the oldest known paintings. But who painted the first abstract painting? Traditional portraits and landscapes quickly went out of fashion when a Russian-born painter decided in the early 20th century that art was not limited to depicting only things we could easily recognise. The first swan song of abstractionism as a new art movement was Vassili Kandinsky’s painting Composition V, which was exhibited in Munich in 1911 and reached a wide audience. Kandinsky himself wrote about the new art movement in his 1909 manifesto, in which he described abstractionism in detail and explained its ideological foundations. Contemporary art movements, such as abstract expressionism, surrealism, and pop art are much more concerned with artistic concepts and techniques than with the need to capture the world around them accurately. 

As an online art gallery, ArtVertigo is happy to help people in Estonia and around the world discover, fall in love with, and own unique paintings born out of the fires of creativity. ArtVertigo embraces all things art related and has the ability to move us emotionally.