
Opening of the exhibition in Tallinn Teachers’ House Art Gallery

On 25 January, the Tallinn Teachers’ House Art Gallery (Raekoja plats 14) hosted the opening of Toomas Pikhof’s exhibition of abstract acrylic paintings I’mBurning. Unkissed Kisses. A small selection of the artist’s work from the last 7 years was on display, which were also used as illustrations in his 2023 book of poems of the same name, I’mBurning. Unkissed Kisses.

The abstraction allows viewers to express their own subjectivity. What matters is not what the artist sees, but what the work evokes in the viewer. Toomas Pikhof creates abstract paintings that do not dictate a particular emotion or interpretation. His modern acrylic paintings invite the viewer to enjoy art and to embark on a personal journey of discovery. Discover the art you love, because then beauty lives in our souls, connecting the boundaries between the real and the imaginary.

The artist sent the exhibition on its way with the message: ‘Love comes from inside you. Love is not about possessing, needing, controlling, achieving or getting something. You yourself and other people feel your love, because it is an energy that radiates from you. This energy is released through your emotional self-acceptance and your expanded awareness. Love is the experience of reality. Tears and pain empower love and are not to be feared. If you seek to fill the emptiness within from without, you will never feel fulfilled. Love is already within you, now, as you are. Fill yourself with love, and the unkissed kisses will burn as the experience of reality in a burning love’.