
Toomas Pikhof’s painting exhibition I’m Burning. Unkissed Kisses.

Toomas Pikhof’s exhibition of abstract acrylic paintings Im Burning. Unkissed Kisses, with which the artist managed to capture the essence of modern abstraction, is on display from 9 January through 26 February at the Tallinn Teachers’ House Art Gallery (Raekoja plats 14)

It is not just an exhibition, but an experience of the senses that invites deep reflection on the complexity of human emotions, the transience of time and the fluidity of perception. Each canvas is an immersion into the universe, where form and colour break from their conventional shackles to create a new and bold visual language. The works created by Toomas Pikhof combine traditional and contemporary techniques. Be it explosions of primary colours that seem to dance on the canvas, or breathtaking shapes that challenge perspectives and blur the boundaries between the real and the imaginary.